How Overheating Harms Your Car Battery

How Overheating Harms Your Car Battery

Consistent 400C+ temperatures are a fact of life during Melbourne summer months. Even overnight temperatures don’t drop much below 300C. One of the most vulnerable-to-temperature components of your vehicle is the car battery, and although a study reported that...
How Can A Bad Battery Harm The Charging System?

How Can A Bad Battery Harm The Charging System?

Let’s first take a look at the meaning of these terms, ‘battery’ and ‘charging system’. A car battery is an energy storage device which has been described, not unfairly, as “an electrochemical power source that is slow to fill, holds limited energy, runs for a time...
Healthy Tyres are a Key to a Safer drive

Healthy Tyres are a Key to a Safer drive

Tyres lead a tough life and they are the only physical connection between your car and the road hence, keeping your tyres in the best condition is incredibly important for having a good grip and tread and for your safety. So if you have been neglecting the tyres, its...